Today, the Equity Alliance for LA’s Kids released our new “Racial Justice Equity Recovery Plan” that centers the voices of communities — especially students and those hardest hit by COVID-19. As we pivot to recovery from the pandemic, we must equitably address the urgent needs of students and families most impacted by inequities.
An equal investment in all Los Angeles Unified School District schools will not address the disproportionate impact low-income communities are facing. Only equity will. LAUSD has the tool they need for equity: the Student Equity Need Index (SENI). This tool allows LAUSD school sites to make investments in services that better meet the needs of Black and Brown students.
Our Racial Justice Equity Recovery Plan:
- Recommends doubling investments in our highest-need schools using the Student Equity Need Index (SENI) and creating an Office of Racial Equity.
- Provides distance learning recommendations and programs to address the “lost year” learning gap exacerbated by the digital divide.
The district must create greater opportunities to center the voices and needs of families and maintain ongoing assessments to understand student’s growth and learning needs. Targeted intervention and support will help students who are disconnected after a “lost year.”
Regardless of their race, income, or ability, every student deserves an education that sees their full potential, invests in their needs, and reminds them of the infinite possibilities they have in front of them. Our future economy for our families and Los Angeles depends on how we show up for our high and highest-need schools today and in each annual budget.
The Los Angeles Unified School District must address the urgent need to resolve community concerns and narrow growing opportunity and achievement gaps.